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How it Helps?
  • Start today on a simplified, optimised, decentralised platform; we're here to help you invest wisely in the crypto ecosystem.
  • Designed to provide an exceedingly simple user journey, the TeraBlock ecosystem can be used by everyone regardless of knowledge and skill level.
  • We curate and optimise the most sought after crypto assets as CoinLists, so you can wisely invest in a range of crypto with ease.
  • TeraBlock platform is truly decentralised. You have complete custody of your funds at all times. We simply help you effectively manage your crypto wisely.
  • Purchase a range of cryptocurrencies securely to your web3 wallet with over 16 payment methods in 180 countries!
  • Track multiple wallets across blockchains and get a unified overview of your entire Web3 wealth with the wallet manager.
  • Innovative multichain liquidity aggregator to help you easily exchange your crypto assets at the best rates in the market across blockchains.
  • Nobody can suspend your wallet, freeze your money, or stop your transactions. You are always in control of your crypto!


"At TeraBlock, we are revolutionising how people interact with DeFi by building the most innovative yet simple, unified and decentralised platform. TeraBlock strives to create transparent and non-exclusive channels of communication to encourage discussions. Be a part of our journey.DeFi gives you the freedom and complete control over your finances, join our journey and be a part of this revolution."


Wallet Management
Track multiple wallets across blockchains and get a unified overview of your entire Web3 wealth with the wallet manager. It lets you build, track and manage your Web3 portfolio from one powerful non-custodial DeFi tool.

CoinsLists is our carefully selected portfolio of cryptocurrencies that reflects a theme, idea or goal. It exposes you to the most sought-after cryptocurrencies without requiring you to invest time and effort in learning about them.

Swidge is a powerful Web3 multi-protocol automation that helps users buy, swap, bridge and transfer tokens from a multichain unified platform to a blockchain game (Play-to-earn) or a decentralised application (Dapp) in just a few clicks.

TeraBlock Bridge is a decentralised token routing solution providing interoperability between different blockchain networks. It applies a cross-network bridging technique to ensure the secure movement of tokens between blockchains. The multi-layered security and dual setup approach make the integration between blockchains efficient and seamless.

Swap identifies the most efficient swapping routes by aggregating and comparing the best rates in the market across all leading DEXs across multiple blockchains.

Link is a dynamic connection protocol with a catalogue of verified tokens and EVN networks with the correct Chain ID and Network ID. Link helps you connect your Web3 wallet to verified tokens and EVM networks with a single click. Only some tokens and networks appear in a newly created Web3 wallet, and adding them can be tedious and complicated. We have simplified this process with Link.